As I pulled up to the Hill Cumorah Visitors' Center I sat in the car staring at this nativity display. I was so confused. All I could think was, "Since when did we start believing in unicorns?!" It took me a few minutes to realize that it was a donkey, I was just at the wrong angle to see both ears. :)

We headed over to the Smith Family Farm and Sacred Grove. The best part about not visiting the church sites in the summer is that you get more detailed tours and more opportunity to take pictures. Here's the family entering the log home. While it is a replica of the original, it stands exactly in the same spot as the original. I'm so glad our kids get to walk into these places where some of the most sacred events in history took place.

The frame home is the original home that the Smith's built and lived in. I thought it was great to see it decorated for Christmas. Nothing big and spectacular, but simple, humble, and sweet.

{I thought this was such a cute ornament hanging in the window.}

{Love the high chair} :)

{The kids listening to the tour in the kitchen/dining area}

{Derek walking from the frame house}

{Hyrum stops for a picture on his walk to the Sacred Grove. By the way, isn't that the cutest hat Holly made for him out of a sweater?! I vote that Holly does a tutorial on her blog about hat making!!}

As we walked toward the Sacred Grove, Jackson decided he didn't want to walk anymore. I carried him for a while to try to catch up with the rest of the group. He's a good 45 lbs, then add snow coats, boots, and walking on a snow- covered dirt path... exhausting!
Once we finally caught up, my dad offered to take over. Poor Papa carried Jackson on his back through the Sacred Grove.

Sunny, Hyrum, Derek

It's even beautiful there in the middle of the winter!

We made one more stop in Palmyra- at the Grandin Building.

Jackson and Hyrum had had about enough as we went through this tour. We spent some time away from the group getting some pictures while the rest learned about how the Book of Mormon was printed.

Jackson and Hyrum had had about enough as we went through this tour. We spent some time away from the group getting some pictures while the rest learned about how the Book of Mormon was printed.

It was nice to share the day here with the family and especially nice that Derek could finally be in these sacred places (and the rest of us too!)
The next morning they all packed up to return to Michigan- while making a stop in Kirtland on the way- to return in time for Sunny, Derek and Hyrum to catch their plane home to Utah.
I should add that before they all left, my dad took time to replace a GFI outlet in the garage for me. It had been tripping off with all of the Christmas lights and garage fridge plugged in until it finally died. Dad just can't be here without fixing something that he knows needs fixing. One of the many things I love about my dad. :)
I love all of my family and was SO glad to have them ALL here for a little visit. (Wish Nathan could've been here too- always seems like someone is missing!)
Thanks for making the trip!
We LOVED having you here!
I agree that holly needs to do a tutorial of the hats as well as all of the amazing creations she thinks up. :) Thanks for taking a picture of us in the grove and that picture of Derek taking the pictures of Hy :) Unicorns!! HA!!
This makes me so homesick for Buffalo!! I didn't ever go to Palmyra in the winter. It's beautiful! What a great experience to share with your family!
And the unicorns made me laugh too!! It would have made me stop to think too!
The unicorn thing is so funny!
How cool to do that with your family! It seems like you get to see each other a lot which I totally envy!
I think Holly should definitely tell us how to make one of those hats! It's so cute!
By the way...I hope Disney World is a blast! i can't wait to see pictures!
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