{A little backtracking,
but it must be posted to officially a part of this record.}
Reagan attended the Erie County Music Festival a couple of weeks ago. This was her first experience at such an event. We arrived at a huge high school/middle school complex and were directed to the gym to warm her up on her cello. The gym was full of kids of all ages with all sorts of instruments. Parents stood in as music stands has they held music in front of their kids faces. Cello players were the lucky ones, they got to use the chairs.

I had to take a pictures of these boys practicing. The kid in red cracked me up the way he was trying to balance his huge instrument on it's case. He looked so uncomfortable.

She didn't have much hope for her score. She guessed she'd be lucky to get a 70 (out of 100). Eventually her score was posted...

She was pretty surprised (and I, very proud) when she saw her 98!! Good work Reagan! Keep it up!
Go Reagan! As a former violin player, I have to say that is awesome. I was never any good. I would have loved a 70. Congratulations on doing great. Keep up the good work.
Awesome Reagan!! Of course I knew you would do great!
Fantastic!!!! Way to go Reagan!!! Very Cool!
That is incredibly awesome Reagan! You are so talented! :)
Reagan! I just not saw the result of your competition! Wonderful! You have so much natural talent. You should continue that cello since it seems such a "good fit" for you! CONGRATS! I love you!
This is my first visit here, but I will be back soon, because I really like the way you are writing, it is so simple and honest
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