(Mom & Dad)
Today is my Dad's birthday!
Here's a little bit about him...
Here's a little bit about him...
*He is the best dad EVER. I'm sure most girls might say that about their dad, but this is actually a fact. No one has had a better dad.
*If you look up the word "patience" in the dictionary, you'll see his picture.
*Sometimes you have use the dictionary to fully understand what he is saying because he has a huge vocabulary.
*If you look up the word "gondimosis" in the dictionary, you won't find it but you should because it means the little imprints left on your skin after sleeping on something.
*Because of my dad's big vocabulary I honestly thought that was a real word until I went to college, but I guess he made it up. (If he calls the toilet, a commode, then you'd believe that gondimosis is a real word!)
*My dad is an artist through genetics and education. He has taught all of us- kids and grand kids- some of the tricks of the trade... and he continues to teach us.
*As difficult as it was, he was able to make a career of art. He designed ads in the Yellow Pages pretty much all of my life. Initially he actually wrote/drew the ads and physically cut and pasted the pieces together. Over the years as technology developed he is trained as a graphic artist. He longed to be more creative with his work, but was forced to just get those ads out as fast as possible. He happily retired last summer. I hope he finds time to return to a regular routine of creative fine art moments. You know -pencil to paper and paint to canvas.
*When we were growing up Dad had to travel up north during the work week (home on the weekends). We missed him and got to up with him for a week until it got too hard with school for us.
*We used to listen to Bolero and ABBA in his car on the way up north.
*I used to wonder if he had another family up there.
*He was either Bishop (twice) or in the Stake Presidency during these years too! Until I was an adult I never even thought about how difficult that must have been on him.
*He taught us by his example how to serve, to always serve, and never turn down an opportunity to serve... never grudgingly, never without giving 100%.
*He took us 3 girls on many daddy daughter dates. I think it was usually the 1st Saturday of every month that one of us would have a date scheduled with him.
*We would get nervous when dad had the treat for Family Home Evening. He was always so creative with foods. We weren't sure what we would get!
*Now that he's retired (but mom is not yet) he is the perfect house husband. Mom loves to come home to a dinner he's prepared. He seems to really enjoy trying out new recipes.
*He loves Valentines Day and ALWAYS takes Mom out someplace special.
*He loves the outdoors- when it's warm. He especially loves going to the beach to fly a kite, relax in the sand, or play with the grand kids. He would love to live somewhere that is always warm and on a beach.
*He can fix anything... or can figure it out if he doesn't already know. If I ever need to know how to do some kind of home repair, he can walk me through it.
*Whenever he comes to visit, he usually brings along his tool box and spends his time fixing or installing all the things I haven't gotten around to yet. It's supposed to be his vacation, but he's busy being my personal handyman. It is SO appreciated!
*He can find his way around any city- even if it's his first time there.
*He has come to terms with the fact that my kids will probably always call him Papa. I don't think he's a big fan of the nickname Jillie gave him, but he's happy to be their "Papa".
*He always says he's shocked when he looks in the mirror and sees an "old man" looking back. He doesn't look old if you ask me! He just wasn't able to keep the head of thick dark hair he had as a youth.
*He was in Primary until he was 14 because his mom was the Primary President and didn't understand that he should have graduated at 12. I bet she just liked having him around. She loved him so much! She used to call him David the Beloved.*He served a 2 year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in what was then called the California Mission.
*He is 6 years older that my mom. They grew up in the same branch their entire lives. He was the heartthrob of the branch! They only started dating at BYU when his friend who was dating Mom but leaving for his mission asked dad to take care of her for him. He did- and still does.
*When he asked Grandma Streeter (Mom's mom) for my mom's hand in marriage, she said no. She did not believe an artist could provide for her daughter and a family. It didn't take her too long to admit she was wrong.
*His voice is so calm and soothing, we'd always ask him to talk us to sleep. One time as a teenager I got home late and he was up waiting for me. As he talked to me about that fact that I was in trouble, I fell asleep. He woke me and told me to just go to bed. :)
*He knows and lives the gospel. Anytime I have a gospel question he has the answer. He has taught and inspired us to do the same.
*He is always there for us girls- "no matter what".
*He is an example to us girls of the the kind of husband we should look for. While our husbands are not all exactly like him, they each share some the most important qualities of our dad.
*If he could see me right now (at 2am) he would say, "Daughter, go to bed. You need your rest."
This is just the tip of the iceberg. I feel like I could just keep typing non stop all night. Guess I'd better save some for Father's Day and all of the future birthday posts!
I love you Dad! Hope you have a great birthday (and Easter!)
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
This is such a great post Nikki, what a gift for your dad!
Thank you, sweet daughter. I think you exagerated some - but I appreciate your thoughts. They bring back some memories and joyful tears. Mostly, I appreciate the special person you have always been.
Yes, you are the favorite (like each of the girls are the favorites), but you are the first. No one can take that from you. I love you!
Ditto Nik. I love you Dad!! Everything she says is true. (I thought you had another family too!!:) Funny! Thanks for being such a great dad.
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