...I was berated by a strange woman at the grocery store for not knowing how to handle my temper throwing child?! (
If not, click here for all the fun!) That was exactly 11 months ago today (April 9, 2008). And guess what? Today I was at the grocery store again with an out of control Jackson. He usually does well at the store, but every once in awhile he throws me for a loop- like today. Things were going fine until we were headed to check out and walked passed boxes of donuts.

Jackson grabbed a box and tossed it into the cart. I took it out and the boy erupted, grabbing box after box and throwing them into the cart as fast as I could put it back. I picked him up and put him in the seat of the cart. No small feat considering we were both in bulky winter coats, him wearing slippery basketball pants while making his 45+ lb. body limp and kicking a screaming... and then sticking that big 4 and a half year old into a seat meant for a 1 year old.
He kept begging to be let out, promising me to stay near me, only to take off running in the direction of the donuts. I'd grab him again, he'd fall to the floor limp, I'd wrestle him back to the cart. I was very calm, but man that kid tested my strength. Eventually I had to hold him in the cart with one hand while unloading the cart with the other. I apologized to the woman ahead of me in line for the screaming.
This story ends much better than the last. This nice woman said,"It's OK. It just reminds me that I'm glad I'm not in that stage anymore. But I remember!" Then she congratulated me on not giving in to him but holding my ground. Not long after, Jackson finally gave up an announced he was "happy." Much better experience today, and bless that kind woman! :)
I HATE the temper tantrums, and mine have just begun. Jack threw one tonight at Dick's. He kicked off his shoes, made a mad dash down the aisle and into some clothing, threw himself on the floor and pouted until I picked him up to put him in the stroller at which point he completely erupted. I glanced behind me at a woman who was staring at me. I simply said in her direction, "Time to go." She laughed in understanding...I think. I'm glad your story had a good ending!
I remember that post from 11 months ago! I'm glad you didn't give in to him, but how do you recover from a scene like this? It makes me tense just reading about it.
You did the right thing - BOTH times. If there is something harder than raising kids for 18 years (and beyond) I'd like to know what it is! :)
You were stronger than I would be, I think. I'd probably buy the donuts to keep an even keel in the store, and then refuse to dole them out once we got home.
Hunter AND Helena both have temper tantrums (although Helena's getting better, and Hunter seems to be getting worse). I have a great story involving Target...
I wasn't even reading your blog back then and I remember that story. Way to Go! I hate the limp body thing kids play. Drives me nuts. It is near impossible to get a rag doll to sit in a chair or on the pew at church.
I'm so happy you had a better experience this time!!! And bless that woman for saying the things that most mothers would say!! You did handle it well and Jackson is such a great kid because of your parenting!! Yay, for nice people in Orchard Park!
You're a great Mom Nikki and like Beth said, you did the right thing both times.
And Beth, we haaaave to hear the Target story!
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