Jillie's school had a Multicultural Concert on St. Patrick's Day. We listened to music from Africa, Ireland, Jerusalem, France, etc... I think Africa took first place, especially with Jackson who loved listening to the African drumming group. Jillie sang with her 7
th grade chorus, Select Choir, and a combined choir of all 7
th and 8
th grade chorus'.

Here's a fun African song that included a little choreography...
(she's in the white and pink with the pink headband)
Jillie was chosen to sing in one of the little "solo groups" in this song. She was very excited to have been chosen. I'm so proud of how well she did.
I'm so glad she enjoys singing since I do too. I am impressed with her singing as well. She has a nice voice and her confidence continues to grow with each experience. Thanks to Holly's encouragement, she's challenged herself to sing a solo at Kobe's baptism in May. (She posted about it on her blog earlier. You can also see a cute little video that she did with Kobe and Reagan).

I hadn't mentioned this on my blog yet, but Jillie played basketball this past winter. Now that she's in the oldest age group, the teams have gotten really tough. Many of the girls who were good enough to make the Middle School team, were also on the Rec teams together as well. These girls were hard to score on let alone beat. I was very impressed with Jillie's attitude though. She never gave up. She listened to everything that her coach and Greg called out for her to do. She's understanding the dynamics of the game better. Through her whole orthodontic expander pain/hardly eating a thing/ losing 7 lbs. in a few weeks time- she stuck with her team. No matter how tired she looked some times, she did her best.

This year she got to be on a team with many friends and they all had a good time together. I'm proud of her.I should also mention that I keep Jillie pretty busy babysitting for her siblings lately. She's invaluable to me. It's been so nice to get to run errands child free or get a date night with Greg from time to time.
I still can't believe I have a daughter who will be turning 13 this summer. Life is changing around here. At school recently Jillie (and I ... though I was way in the back so as not to embarrass her) got to enjoy an assembly by
Pam Stenzel- an abstinence speaker. She was excellent, but hello! Welcome to the "real world" Jillie. This week Jillie had her annual physical, and since it's officially her 13
th year appointment, they took her in to see the doctor without me. She was asked about things like depression, suicide, and the rest of the 'fun' teenager topics doctors need to check on. We'll need to address the vaccination for
HPV in the next few years as well. Does she really need that one?! Body's changing, hormones are rearing their heads, she fights cleaning her room or putting her laundry away, I'm getting old... :)
It's just weird to me that she has reached the time of her life that I really remember of my own. She's the one who takes me through each new stage of life and so far we're doing OK. Jillie's a smart girl who is growing in maturity and confidence while still holding on -a little- to the little girl she used to be. Maybe I'm trying to hold on to that little girl just a little bit too.
Oh my goodness Jillie is growing up so fast. What a scary time for Mom. :) I'm glad Hyrum is still little. Let us know what you find out in your research of if she should take the HPV vaccination. I'm really conflicted on that topic if we ever have a girl. She is getting so confident and accomplished! Way to go Jillie!!
Wow, I can't imagine going through all of that. It's only a few years away for us, I am sure it will come quickly. Jillie seems like such a talented, smart girl. I am so impressed that she is willing to share her singing talents- I would have been so scared at that age (not that I can sing!)
It's sad to me that they need to have an abstinence speaker for 13 year olds, but that is the world today. At least these kids are taught about the issues and can make informed decisions and choices, right?
Jillie is a beautiful, talented YW! I am amazed that you are already having to deal with so many issues. I have wondered on the HPV vaccine myself so I would be curious to learn what you find out.
I think we all try to hold onto that little child as long as we can. I know that I am trying with Jake but it isn't working so well :) I remember wishing they would hurry and grow up and now I am wishing I could go back to when they were little :)
I am falling behind in my quest to leave the most comments!!! I love reading your blog and seeing your kids. They really are growing up fast! Jillie is awesome and will go through the teenage years with ease (at least we all hope so right?!) I also love your new layout. I know it was awhile ago that you changed it, but I don't think I've commented on it. So I really like it!!
I'm so not ready to be the mother of teenagers! I'm glad I have a few friends who are ahead of me in this, but it's still scary.
It's so nice to see a school that has such a wonderful music program! There is still hope for us isn't there! As for Jillie being 13 - you're freaking me out! Cassidy's 10 and I don't want her to get any bigger let alon have to go to the Dr by herself and hormones??/!! Scary!!! Can't they stay sweet and little forever?
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