Monday, April 28, 2008

Is this ugly?

This light fixture has bugged me since we moved in 2.5 yrs ago. First of all I don't really like it, but knowing that it's pretty new I've been too frugal to say get rid of it. It's just not my style, but it's just in the kids bathroom so it stays. My dilemma now is that in 2 years time I have had to replace 3 bulbs and 2 are burnt out again.
These are not your run of the mill bulbs though. I've searched the big hardware stores to no avail but finally found a couple at our little village hardware store. They are these strange little halogen bulbs that cost me $10 each- and apparently don't have a long lifespan!

If you're following the math here, I have spent $30 in light bulbs and need to spend another $20 to get it back to normal. $50 in 2 years on a light fixture I don't really like?! I'm trying to decide what is more practical. Should I take it down and put up something that takes normal less expensive bulbs and I like (but would probably cost $100 unless I can find a really good deal)? This would be so much easier if it were some old brassy light fixture!


Holly said...

Are those mirrored lights? Yeowza! I say send it to goodwill. There is probably some nice old lady who dosen't even have a light in her bathroom, and even the one lightbulb you do have would be the "light of her life". ;) Maybe when you are a goodwill you will come across your dream light fixture that just needs a little touching up, and then you will be soo proud because you created something wonderful for pennies! :) Send it away!

Beth Soelberg said...

Since you didn't actually purchase this light fixture, I'll answer you honestly.

Wow. That is ugly.

BUT - we have plenty of ugly parts of our house that are the legacy of the previous owners. Little by little, they're going away.

Give it away or donate it, and then have some fun picking out a light fixture that you like (with standard, easily replaceable bulbs!)

Shannon said...

Yeah get rid of it Nik..I agree with Holly's suggestion.

Laura said...

yeah...I might just splurge on a new fixture and use the light bulb excuse to justify it! good luck!

thanks for the violin info.

Sunny said...

NIK!!! Send it to EBAY and get a little something for it at least! You may even get enough to pay for a new fixture you don't know how much that cost and I think it's three little fixtures together. If it was one of those on the wall of a staircase it might look ok. We have some friends that have lights like that on their staircase. And you don't have to feel bad pawning it off on someone else because if it's somewhere besides the bathroom you might not turn them on as much. You've all but paid for a new fixture in what you've paid for in dumb hard to find light bulbs! Get a new one already!!!

Jill said...

I vote for a new light fixture!

Greg Garrick said...

Why is this even a question? Get a new light:)

Leanne said...

I agree that ditching it would be the best bet. Plus, isn't it fun to pick out new stuff?!!

Personally, I don't think it's really that ugly, but if it bugs you, and you are spending more money on it than it's worth..then out it goes. Plus, ur hubby sounds like he won't miss it either :)

Sunny said...

Nik!!! Individual lights kinda like that are going for $60 on eBay! All three are going for 189!!!!! Get them on eBay NOW!!!